Now that summer is officially over, the time is finally here for cool nights, bonfires, and football. Unfortunately, with all of the benefits the changing season has to offer, it also brings with it the increased probability of furnace problems. There’s nothing worse than a malfunctioning furnace when the weather turns cold. Lucky for you, there’s still time to consider a furnace replacement or tune-up. If you are in one of the following situations, it might be time for a call to Allied Services, Inc.

Furnace Upgrade

You Have an Older Unit

Older units have a much higher probability of malfunctioning. Not only can older units stop working for seemingly no reason, they can be a hazard. Often, it can be difficult to find replacement parts for old units, so repairs can be costly. The useful life of most furnaces is approximately 15 – 25 years and if you’ve been considering a change, fall is the perfect time of year for it.

You Haven’t Had Your Furnace Properly Maintained

A good rule of thumb is to have your furnace checked annually. However, if you are one of the many that fail to properly maintain your unit throughout the year, a tune-up before the winter cold arrives is an absolute necessity.  

Your Unit Isn’t Functioning Correctly

This may seem obvious, but if your furnace’s performance is shaky, be sure to get it checked out sooner rather than later. In fact, a common practice is to turn your furnace on before you need to. If your unit acts up, you won’t miss it while waiting for the repairman. Wait until you need it and you may be faced with a painfully cold and unpleasant wait for your serviceman to arrive!

It is time to be proactive with your furnace’s health. As we continue to inch closer to holidays, vacation time, and parties, a quick way to ruin the fun and excitement of the winter months is a furnace that isn’t functioning correctly. If you’re in the Dayton, OH, area, call your friends at Allied Services at (937) 269-5059 to schedule your unit replacement or check-up today!