As the temperatures drop and winter settles in, the age-old debate about whether it’s more economical to constantly leave your heating system on or turn it on and off as needed comes to the forefront. Many homeowners grapple with this decision in an attempt to strike the right balance between comfort and cost-effectiveness. Continue reading to learn more from the team at Allied Services, Inc.

Should You Turn Your Furnace Off to Save Money?

Understanding Heating Costs

Before diving into the debate, it’s crucial to understand how heating systems operate and where the costs come from. Most residential heating systems use a thermostat to regulate the temperature. When the temperature drops below the set point, the thermostat signals the heating system to turn on, and when the desired temperature is reached, it turns off.

Factors Affecting Energy Consumption


Proper insulation plays a significant role in how efficiently your home retains heat. Well-insulated homes require less energy to maintain a comfortable temperature, regardless of whether the heating system is turned on or off.

Thermostat Settings

The temperature at which you set your thermostat affects your energy consumption. Lowering the thermostat when you’re away or asleep can result in energy savings. Conversely, maintaining a constant high temperature may lead to higher energy bills.

Type of Heating System

The type of heating system you have influences energy consumption. Some systems, like radiant floor heating, are more efficient when left on continuously, while others, like forced-air systems, may benefit from cycling on and off.

Outdoor Temperatures

Weather conditions impact the rate at which heat escapes from your home. Extremely cold temperatures may cause your heating system to work harder to maintain a set temperature.

The Constant On vs. On-and-Off Debate

Constant On

  • Advocates argue that maintaining a consistent temperature avoids the need for the heating system to work harder to catch up.
  • This approach may be more suitable for well-insulated homes with energy-efficient heating systems.
  • Consistent heating can provide a stable and comfortable environment.


  • Supporters of intermittent heating argue that turning the system off when not needed saves energy and money.
  • Homes with good insulation may not experience a significant temperature drop during periods of inactivity.
  • Smart thermostats can be programmed to adjust temperatures based on occupancy and time of day, optimizing energy usage.

Ultimately, the answer to whether it’s more expensive to turn your heat on and off depends on various factors. Each home is unique, and what works for one may not be suitable for another. Homeowners should consider factors such as insulation, thermostat settings, and the type of heating system in use. Allied Services, Inc. provides professional HVAC services to Dayton and the surrounding areas. Contact us today at (937) 269-5059 to request an appointment.