
6 Furnace Maintenance Tips for the Winter

As the chill of winter sets in, ensuring your home is cozy and warm becomes a top priority. Your furnace is crucial in keeping your living space comfortable during the colder months. To avoid unexpected breakdowns and ensure optimal performance, investing some time in winter furnace maintenance is essential. Continue reading to learn more from the team at Allied Services, Inc.

1. Schedule Professional Inspection

Start the season right by scheduling a professional inspection for your furnace. A certified HVAC technician can identify potential issues, clean crucial components, and make necessary adjustments. This proactive approach can help prevent major breakdowns and ensure your furnace operates efficiently.

2. Change the Air Filter

A clean air filter is essential for the proper functioning of your furnace. Over time, filters collect dust and debris, reducing airflow and efficiency. Check your furnace’s air filter monthly and replace it as needed. A dirty filter not only compromises indoor air quality but also puts unnecessary strain on your furnace, potentially leading to higher energy bills.

3. Clear Vents and Registers

Ensure that all vents and registers in your home are clear of obstructions such as furniture, rugs, or drapes. Unobstructed airflow is crucial for efficient heating. Make it a habit to vacuum and dust vents regularly to prevent debris buildup.

4. Inspect the Thermostat

Your thermostat is the command center for your furnace. Check that it’s functioning correctly by setting the temperature higher than the current room temperature. If your furnace doesn’t respond or the temperature isn’t adjusting as expected, it might be time for a thermostat replacement.

5. Seal Leaks and Insulate

Drafts and poor insulation can force your furnace to work harder than necessary. Check for gaps around windows and doors and seal them with weatherstripping or caulk. Additionally, consider adding extra insulation in your attic or crawl spaces to retain heat and reduce the workload on your furnace.

6. Monitor Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Furnaces can produce carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas that can be harmful or even deadly in high concentrations. Ensure your carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order, and replace the batteries regularly. If you don’t have a carbon monoxide detector, consider installing one for added safety.

Allied Services, Inc. provides quality HVAC maintenance to Dayton, Springboro, Beavercreek, Troy, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today at (937) 269-5059 and ask about our specials.

Chris Sourlis

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